
Anti-Corruption Training Course Held in Maseru

The Office for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption and Fraud, in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network of South Africa (ARINSA), organized a training course for prosecutors and investigators in Maseru on Monday.

This course is crucial for equipping Lesotho’s prosecutors with the latest techniques for prosecuting cases of corruption and fraud. The importance of such training cannot be overstated, as corruption cases are often challenging to prosecute due to defendants having significant financial resources and the ability to hire experienced lawyers. By enhancing the skills and knowledge of prosecutors, this initiative aims to strengthen the legal system’s ability to combat corruption and uphold justice.

The Office for the Prevention and Combating of Corruption and Fraud plays a pivotal role in Lesotho’s efforts to address and mitigate corruption, ensuring transparency and accountability within public and private sectors.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs, international crime, and terrorism. It provides practical assistance and guidance to Member States, enhancing their capabilities to combat these issues effectively.

The Asset Recovery Inter-Agency Network of South Africa (ARINSA) is a regional network that focuses on the recovery of illicitly acquired assets. By fostering cooperation and sharing expertise among member countries, ARINSA aims to disrupt and dismantle criminal enterprises and recover assets for the benefit of the affected communities.

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