NUL Laments the Demise of Dr. Bothephana Makhakhane

It is with profound sadness that the National University of Lesotho announces the passing away of Dr. Bothephana Makhakhane, the Director of the Institute of Extra Mural Studies (IEMS).
Dr. Makhakhane passed away on Monday the 4th June, 2019 at the MediClinic Hospital in Bloemfontein after a protracted illness.
In days of her life, Dr. Makhakhane, expressed a will that no funeral nor any related memorial services should be held for her. Therefore, the University did not arrange a memorial service for her.
The body of Dr. Makhakhane was privately cremated by the family.
Dr. Makhakhane did her Secondary at Hlotse High School and acquired her Junior Certificate in 1972. She went to Lesotho High School and finished her COSC in 1974. After completing her COSC, Dr. Makhakhane furthered her studies and joined the National Teachers Training College in 1975 and acquired her STC in 1977. She obtained a Diploma in Education in 1981 and a Bachelor of Education in 1985 at the National University of Lesotho.
She furthered her studies at Ohio University where she obtained M.Ed. (Guidance & Counseling) in 1995. She then acquired her PhD in 2012 from the University of Free State.
Dr. Makhakhane joined the National University of Lesotho in 2002 and was appointed as a Lecturer at the Institute of Extra Mural Studies (IEMS).
She served the University of Lesotho as a Coordinator for B.Ed and M.Ed (Adult Education), Coordinator of Commonwealth Youth Leadership Diploma Programme (CYP). She was appointed as Head of Department of Adult Education from 2004 to 2008. She was elected as Chairperson of IEMS HIV&AIDS Committee and was also the Chairperson of Distance Education Association for Southern Africa (DEASA) HIV&AIDS Committee. In 2014, she was appointed as the Deputy Director at IEMS. She was appointed as Director of IEMS from 2016 where she worked until she passed on.
Dr. Makhakhane was a Board member of TVET (at the Ministry of Education) from 2016 to 2017. She attended many workshops and conferences both locally and internationally.
Therefore, we mourn her death as a great and irrecoverable loss for the University, her family and the country.
She will forever remain in our hearts.