NUL Library receives Donation from EIFL

National University of Lesotho Library received a grant of USD10,000 from the Library Support NGO called Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL).
EIFL had earlier made a call for Libraries/consortium to apply for grant for their library’s open science needs and to which NUL Library applied. Fortunately, the grant application was successful, hence a whopping USD10,000.00 award.
Dr. Tahleho Tšeole, Head of Information and Resources Management in the Library, highlighted that the funds are intended to address the following areas of priority:
- Open Access journals and repositories improvements
- Open Science training and research incentives and structures that support and promote open science skills acquisition
- Research data repositories and Research Data Management services in libraries
- Open Science and Open Access policy work
Dr. Tšeole indicated that NUL Library has recently set up a Scholarly Communication Librarian’s office as well as Open Access Journal platforms for journals published by faculties in Lesotho.
“Lesotho authors are struggling to understand Open Access hence, this project seeks to give skills in Open Access to librarians; to train Lesotho Librarians in repository management; to train Faculties in Open Access as well as; to start a National Road show on Open Science and Open Access”, he added.