
Prime Minister Confident Factory Re-Openings Will Boost Employment for Basotho

Prime Minister Ntsokoane Matekane has expressed confidence that the re-opening of factories in Maseru will lead to more job opportunities for Basotho. Speaking during a tour of four major factories—Liberation, Adient, Nien Hsing International, and Duy/Quantum Apparel—Mr. Matekane emphasized the government’s commitment to supporting the manufacturing sector.

The purpose of the Prime Minister’s tour was to inspect the factories, assess their achievements, and understand the challenges they are facing. This, he explained, would help the government determine how best to provide support and foster growth in the sector.

Mr. Matekane expressed satisfaction with the progress he observed at the factories, noting that preparations are well underway for the introduction of new factories that will complement those already in operation. These new factories are expected to further boost employment opportunities for Basotho and contribute to economic development.

He also mentioned that orders have been secured for the factories, meaning work is already lined up. The remaining task, he said, is to establish suitable locations for additional manufacturing plants, which will enable the country to fully take advantage of the available work and further strengthen the local economy.

With the government’s continued efforts to attract and support manufacturing, the Prime Minister is optimistic that more Basotho will find employment in the sector.

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