Applications for education grants for Orphaned and Vulnerable children for the 2023 academic year are now open.
According to a press release from the Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sports, Arts, Culture and Social Development, applications are open from Monday (02/01/2023 until January 31.
The release shows that grants are both for Secondary and High school learners, adding that application forms can be accessed from the ministry’s district offices where learners attend school.
It explains that learners who will be eligible for grants this year include double and single orphans, those needy, abandoned, and those with disabilities, stating that applications could be made by Chiefs, School Principals, Volunteers, Parents or Guardians as well as learners.
Applicants should be 18 years and below and must attend schools registered legally with the Ministry of Education and Training.
It adds that other documents required include an application letter stating reasons why the grant is needed, a letter from the Chief, copies of parents’ death certificates or Identity Documents of parents, the birth certificate of an applicant, testimonials for Grade 8 learners, and admission letters.
The Ministry of Social Development has been the custodian of children’s education grants since 2013 as the grants were prior 2013 being handled by the Ministry of Education. To date, about 60,000 children have benefited from the grant.
The Ministry of Social Development was established with the objective to lead and facilitate the provision of Sustainable Social Development services that are universally accessible to all groups in Lesotho in collaboration with other key stakeholders.