
12 Things You Should Know About Lesotho’s Education System

With one of the highest literacy rates in Africa here are 12 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Lesotho’s Education System.

1. Lesotho spends a higher proportion of its GDP (13%) on education than any other country in the world

2. An average child in Lesotho can expect to spend 10 years of their life in education

3. Education is compulsory only between the ages of 6 and 13

4. Secondary school education is non-compulsory

5. Lesotho’s formal system has about 2,204 pre-primary schools

6. Lesotho has 1,478 primary schools

7. Lesotho has 14 higher education institutions

8. Lesotho’s informal domains comprises 26 technical and vocational schools that offer individuals training in automotive mechanics, bricklaying and home sciences.

9. Free primary education began to be introduced to Lesotho in the year 2000

10. The adult literacy rate is higher for women (95%) than for men (83%).

11. Lesotho holds “one of the highest literacy rates in Africa”

12. The ratio in enrollment rates in secondary education are 1.6 females for every male, making it the highest in the world.

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