Disaster Risk Reduction is a Shared Responsibility: Minister Lephema Emphasizes Collaboration

The Minister of Local Government and Chieftainship, Home Affairs, and Police, Mr. Lebona Lephema, has highlighted the importance of shared responsibility in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Speaking at the conclusion of a two-day national dialogue on DRR and urban preparedness held in Maseru, the Minister emphasized the critical need for multi-stakeholder collaboration to build resilience and mitigate disaster risks in Lesotho.
The dialogue, which began on Wednesday and concluded on Thursday, brought together representatives from government agencies, communities, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and development partners. The event served as a platform to discuss strategies for urban preparedness and strengthening community resilience against disasters.
In his closing remarks, Mr. Lephema underscored that DRR is not solely the responsibility of the government. Instead, it requires a partnership among all sectors of society. “The shared responsibility lies in partnership between government, communities, private sector, non-governmental organizations, and development partners,” he stated.
The Minister further called for unwavering commitment to fostering collaboration and prioritizing investment at the community level, where resilience is most effectively built. He stressed the importance of a bottom-up approach in creating a disaster-free Lesotho, noting that local communities play a pivotal role in identifying vulnerabilities and implementing sustainable solutions.
“Let us carry the spirit of collaboration,” Mr. Lephema urged. “Resilience is a unifying factor, and through partnerships, we can achieve a disaster-free Lesotho.”
The national dialogue highlighted key issues such as urban disaster preparedness, climate adaptation, and the need for inclusive strategies that involve all sectors of society. Participants also discussed the significance of continued investment in disaster risk education and capacity building at the grassroots level.
The Minister’s call to action reflects Lesotho’s commitment to aligning with global frameworks such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, which emphasizes the importance of shared responsibility and multi-stakeholder engagement in reducing disaster risks.
As the nation moves forward, the insights and commitments from the dialogue are expected to inform policies and programs aimed at creating safer, more resilient communities across Lesotho.