Serialong Qoo

Hon Serialong was born on 02 February 1964 in Mokhotlong as the second out of six children of Morojele Qoo and ‘Maseriti Qoo. Hon. Qoo attended Mapholaneng Secondary school in Mokhotlong and Lesotho High School in Maseru. Soon after finishing school, he went to Republic of South Africa and completed his First Aid Level 2 for the period of 3 months. After completing his studies, Hon Min was employed at Spie Batignolles. After then, he was employed by the government of Lesotho for 6 months. He then pursuit his journey and worked at Letšeng Diamond Mine as Assistant Site Service Manager, in 2004, Hon. Minister went to Johannesburg to a 3 months course and was qualified to be a Manager for Public Administration. Soon after that, he went back to Letšeng Diamond Mine. While still at Letšeng Diamond Mine he went to Republic of South Africa Aeroplan Flying School that is where he acquired his Pilot license. In 2007, he resigned from Letšeng Diamond Mine and became a member of Parliament for Malingoaneng Constituency #77.
Hon Min. was in a Parliament Committee of Natural Resources and Public Account Committee from 2007 to 2017. Since February 2010, he has served in the position of a Director at Golden Hotel in Mafeteng. From November 2016 to June 2017, He was a Minister of Communications Science and Technology but his journey as a minister was cut short due General Election that was in June 2017 where his party (Democratic Congress) lost. From then, he was still a Member of Parliament for Malingoaneng Constituency #77. In May 2020, Hon Qoo became Minister of Mining. He has been a Democratic Congress Public Relations Officer since 2012 to date. Hon Qoo is married and blessed with two daughters and two sons.