Public Consultation: QUALITY OF SERVICE RULES, 2022
Acting in accordance with Section 4 (j) of the Communications Act No. 4 of 2012, the Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) hereby invites the general public and industry stakeholders to submit comments and inputs on the draft Lesotho Communications Authority (Quality of Service) Rules, 2022.
The objective of the draft Rules is to implement a quality of service regulatory framework in which quality of service will be measured, reported and published based on definitions and measurement methodology prescribed in these draft Rules. Moreover, these draft Rules are intended to protect the interests of consumers of telecommunications, postal and courier services and create conditions for customer satisfaction by making known the quality of service which the licensee is required to provide and the quality of service the user has a right to expect.
Copies of the draft Rules may be obtained from the LCA Offices or by downloading from the LCA website here
Comments on the draft Rules may be submitted in writing to:
Chief Executive Officer
Lesotho Communications Authority
P.O Box 15896
30 Princess Margaret Road, Old Europa
Maseru, Lesotho
Email: lca[at] or registrar[at]
The closing date for submission of comments is 22 March 2022 at 12:30 Hrs.