NUL Commemorates WORLD AIDS DAY 2016

The National University of Lesotho commemorated the World AIDS day with the Mafikeng community on the 25th November 2016. This event was graced with the presence of the NUL leadership and senior management team and the National AIDS Commission (NAC).
The NUL community, thus students and staff started the commemoration by having a walk from the NUL campus gate to Mafikeng community grounds where they were joined by the community members and the chief. Activities of the day included speeches made by key people like the NUL Vice chancellor, community representatives, the NAC representative, student representatives, SRC and the Chief. Students had some performances in the form of dramas and songs to pass messages about HIV and AIDS. The highlight of the event was planting some vegetable gardens for orphaned and vulnerable children in that community. Other members of the community were also given some seeds to plant for themselves.
NUL further became part of the National commemoration which was held on the 1st December at the Convention center as planned by NAC.