NUL Chancellor to officiate 42nd Graduation Ceremony

The Chancellor of the National University of Lesotho (NUL) King Letsie III will officiate at the 42nd graduation ceremony for over 2,240 graduands, scheduled to take place on 7th October and 14th October, 2017, respectively at the main campus at Roma.
The first ceremony, scheduled for the 7th October, 2017, will be dedicated for the faculties of Agriculture, Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Health Sciences and IEMS.
Meanwhile, the second ceremony on 14th October, 2017, will be set for programmes from the Faculties of Law, Humanities and Education.
Since 2016, NUL Senate has resolved to split the ceremony into two parts to evade congestion and enable smooth running of the events. This will ensure that graduands are treated with dignity and respect they deserve on their special day.
Historically, the graduation ceremony at the National University of Lesotho took place on the last Saturday of September for all the programmes ranging from certificate to diploma, degree and postgraduate levels. 2017 Graduation ceremony will be different due to Local government elections which are supposed to be held on the 30th September, 2017. Hence first two weekends of October.
With time, the number of Graduands has enormously risen from 323 in 1988 to 2240 in 2017. This growth has gradually made it cumbersome for graduands and guests to travel to Roma due to the absence of alternative routes into the Roma valley and the campus. During the past Graduation ceremonies, graduands and their guests used to park outside the campus and would usually walk long distance to the campus for the ceremony. The situation has improved this year since parking spaces are strategically arranged for different group of people and fortunately everyone will be parking on campus.