National University of Lesotho’s Parents Committee is introduced to the public

The NUL Parents Committee held a Press Conference on 30th July, 2018 at the Institute of Extra Mural Studies (IEMS), Maseru. The press conference was called to introduce the NUL Student’s Parent/Guardians Committee to the public and, announce the vision and objectives aimed at improving interactions and better understanding between various stakeholders of the university.
The Parents Committee consists of five members namely: Mr. Tsietsi Polane (Chairperson), Mr. Khotso Mokupo (Secretary), Mrs. Nomazondo Seleteng, Mr. Teboho Tolo and Mrs. ‘Manthota Lebusa. The Committee was elected on the 9th September, 2017, by parents and guardians of NUL students so that they (parents) are involved and engaged as key stakeholders in the students’ education and life at the National University of Lesotho.
The Communications and Marketing Director of NUL Mrs. Mamosa Moteetee officially opened the press conference and welcomed everyone who attended. She indicated that the NUL Parents’ Committee is composed of representatives of parents and guardians of registered students of NUL.
“The main objective of the NUL Parents Committee is to voluntarily advise, assist and support the NUL Management and the University at large on and a range of initiatives and programmes that concern students’ academic and welfare matters”, she stated.
Mrs. Moteetee added that during meetings and special events, Committee Members will act as liaison between parents/guardians and the University Management with a goal to advance NUL’s mission through their volunteerism.
In his speech, the Chairperson of the committee Mr. Polane indicated that the Committee will assist to find ways to change and improve the manner in which the students behave while at NUL, to guide students and urge them to refrain from engaging in unlawful activities that may end up in court battles.
“The goal of this initiative was to strengthen the students’ journey throughout their time at NUL. The Committee will contact NUL Management and students’ governance from time to time to seek reports about students’ academic and welfare matters and whenever necessary, to work with Management and Parents to resolve any differences.”, Mr. Polane emphasised.
He further stipulated that during meetings and special events, Committee Members will have the opportunity to develop relationships with students, faculties, staff and campus leaders. He added that one of their first tasks would be to have a meeting with the NUL Students Representative Committee.
When concluding his speech, Mr Polane indicated that they are aware of a decline in financial support from the government.
“As the parents’ representative body, we make a clarion call to the nation under the banner SAFE OUR NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – COLLECTIVELY WE CAN, as an effort to ensure that the National University of Lesotho will continue to serve the nation into unforeseeable future”, Mr. Polane concluded.
In August 2017, the National University of Lesotho called in parents / guardians meeting after students’ protests over delay in payment of students allowances. It is however a recurring incident that students engage into strikes and protests for their allowances. It was in this meeting whereby the concept of parents’ committee emerged.
It was at this juncture that the parents / guardians of the students, being the stakeholders of the University, felt a need to have this committee to make it easy to advice and assist the university at large on a range of initiatives affecting their children’s future.