Management tours Renovated Facilities after AUSC Region 5 Games

The Director of Students Affairs, Ms. Tholoana Ntene, took the University Management on a tour of the renovated facilities at the Roma Campus on 5th January 2022. This was one done to confirm a promise that was made by the government that after the African Union Sports Council (AUSC) Region 5 games, the University will be left with revamped facilities. It was Lesotho’s turn to host the Games and NUL (as a public institution) was identified as the main Games Village. NUL hosted approximately 2000 people including athletes and officials at the NUL and Pius XII residences.
The renovated facilities include the Refectory and its surroundings, the NUL clinic, the Apollo lights next the Pius XII residence, Mzalas and next to the Staff Village. The halls of residences that were renovated are Gilbeault hall, ‘Masenate, CIDA, Chancellor, Mswati, Murtala, Freedom, Tšepo A to F and Tšepo Extension. The Gilbeault laundry room also received three new washing machines and three driers.
Ms. Ntene further indicated that it is contractually binding to all the contractors to fix any breakage until June 2022.
The Roma Campus became the Games Village for the coming African Union Sports Council Region 5 Games (AUSC 5 Games) which were held in Lesotho starting from 3rd to 12th December, 2021. The Government of Lesotho, through the Ministry of Gender and Youth, Sports and Recreation took up the responsibility to renovate the halls of residence, the refectory and the clinic here at NUL. No renovations were done on the sports grounds as these will only be used for practice sessions by the athletes.
The Games were organized by the governments of the African Union as part of promoting unity, peace, youth development and sports. These are mandatory games as Member States have agreed to participate by hosting them on a rotational basis, every two years.