Tieho Mochebelele

Tieho Mochebelele has six years of experience in technology entrepreneurship. Tieho focuses on scalable technologies because they allow more consumers to benefit from his services, economies of scale reduce the cost to the consumer, and scale reduces equity investment risk and promises a higher return on investment. In addition, he is interested in econorobotics for jobs that can be performed by robots and rescue missions in which a human may not or cannot survive. Tieho is the founder and a partner at the African Technology Institute, a technology consulting firm, where he works on business development, process engineering, and policy design. He was the head of telemetry systems on the University of Pretoria’s engineering team that reached the 2016 Hyperloop Research Project finals hosted by the Space Exploration Corporation (SpaceX) and the Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M. Tieho is also responsible for negotiating a deal that won a large courier contract with Metropolitan Insurance Lesotho for one of his companies, Doorstep Deliveries. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, he intends to share his newly gained knowledge by speaking on various platforms and applying it to his own companies.